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Welche Rolle spielen Tiere in unserem Leben? Testen Sie Ihr Bibelwissen! War es nun Petrus oder Paulus, der den Gelähmten am Tempeleingang heilte? Und wie hieß doch gleich der persische König, der Daniel in die Löwengrube werfen ließ? Die Geschichte von Mohammed und dem Islam. Vorstellung verschiedener von uns empfohlener Bücher.
We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ without compromise to His Word. We believe, teach and practice all things that Jesus taught and were practiced by the Church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. We seek to preserve biblical truth and shed the glorious light of the Gospel in a world that is consumed by darkness. The adherents to Islam would have you believe it is a peac.
Bibelen beviser sin egen troverdighet. Ungarsk MPS kriminalisere fornekter holocaust. Hva med en ny verdensorden? Aring;pne grenser og vår egen identitet. Hva er sann kristendom? Vesten lærer aldri. Din framtid i evigheten .
Staten äger barnen, inte föräldrarna. Sionisterna utropar staten Israel 1948. Vem är Jan Gillberg? Obama - Den perfekte manchuriske kandidaten. Ulf Ekman har blivit andligt vansinnig. I Skuggan av Hermes - en recension. Det finns bara en ras. Emmanuel de Lacunza och hans falska teologi.
We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ without compromise to His Word. We believe, teach and practice all things that Jesus taught and were practiced by the Church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. We seek to preserve biblical truth and shed the glorious light of the Gospel in a world that is consumed by darkness. The adherents to Islam would have you believe it is a peac.